Pablo Jiménez-Moreno

PhD Architecture

MArch Zero Energy Mass Custom Housing

Building Performance Consultant

Pablo Jiménez-Moreno is an experienced architect and independent energy consultant. He has worked on various house projects in the UK. Pablo possesses a PhD in Sustainable Architecture from the University of Edinburgh. He worked for Oxford Brookes University looking at the capability of dwellings to adopt low carbon technologies, from dwelling to a county level. With particular interest in zero carbon and zero energy, Pablo has extensive knowledge on the different design and technological solutions available to deliver sustainable projects that meet the wants and needs of different clients.

Within Mesh, Pablo advises clients on their energy strategy new build and retrofit projects. He analyses heat loss models and explains the cost benefit analysis of improving insulation and implementing renewable technologies moving away from fossil fuels. Pablo has the skills to look holistically at the project and work out the optimal solutions for clients within their parameters.


Key Skills

  • Expertise in sustainable architecture
  • Passionate about design that results in providing creative solutions
  • Ability to understand the stakeholders’ wants and needs
  • Friendly and efficient communication with clients
  • Positive approach to all aspects of a project

One bucket list wish..

Travel the silk road (starting from the UK)

Little known fact

Guitarist of ‘The Weird Outsiders’ – an ambient jazz rock band

Who would you like to have dinner with?

Cleopatra! But needs to take place in Egypt back in the day, will not be the same at a Pizza express

Q: What do you call a bunch of Mesh employees?

A: Meshlings!


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